miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012


.but U DON`T KNOW what had fallen from a cliff and suddenly appears in front and to say "i love u ,honey ,everything will be fine
.U DON'T KNOW what he wake up and squirm and yawn ,then hug u and kiss u ,then not know how to get rid of all the world.
,so u think that i am the first to understand
.so u lose your head and felt for his words ,his hobbies ,his hands and his hair

,believe me when I tell you ,but anything u can say it enough ,i have seen him at any competence sunrise through the window

,so stop talking to landscape if u have not seen his body


,we are like the yin and yang ,as right and wrong ,as good and evil ,man and woman ,as the greedy and generous ,as the fascist and anti-fascist ,as the dominant and liabilities ,as pain and pleasure
...but what would each of them without its opposite?

.u tell me!


,after a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul 
.and you learn that love does not mean leaning and company does not mean security .and you begin to learn ...  

,that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises


.and that there is no action to move your reaction
(there who support this silence)

,that my site is in your bed
.and your bed is the site

.very afraid

...living without you


-sois bellas ,pero estáis vacías
-les dijo el principito- .no se puede morir por vosotras .sin duda que un transeúnte común creerá que mi rosa se os parece .pero ella sola es más importante que todas vosotras ,puesto que es ella la rosa a quien puse bajo un globo .puesto que es ella la rosa a quien abrigué con un biombo .puesto que es ella la rosa cuyas orugas maté (salvo las dos o tres que se hicieron mariposas)
.puesto que es ella la rosa a la que escuché quejarse ,o alabarse ,o aun ,algunas veces ,callarse

.puesto que ella es mi rosa

martes, 26 de junio de 2012


,there's always a moment where the road splits ,each one takes a direction thinking that roads will be joined at the end .from your way smaller increasingly go to the other person .pass nothing ,are not made for the other at the end will be her ,but in the end only one thing happens ,comes the fucking winter
 .and you suddenly realize realize that everything is over .there is no turning back ,you feel ,and then just try to remember when it all started and you discover it all started before what you thought ...long before
 ...and that's just at that moment when you you realize that things happen only once ,even if you don't already you will never feel the same again ,you will never have the feeling of being at three meters above the sky
,come on ,girl ,it's times like these you learn to live again ,it's times like these you give and give again ,it's times like these ;time and time again 

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012


.thank you for being
.thanks for understanding
.thanks for being you-

.thanks for joining me on the way
,and make the way is brighter
.thanks for being part of my way

.thanks for being you and be for me
.although you exist!
,and that is for me the best way*

アルベルト <3

martes, 12 de junio de 2012


every look, every gesture, every word ,every song, every night
i remember everything like it was yesterday
I can not even believe what is happening, everything is amazing with you
everything is for us ... with you

like ignites the dusk, with u... for u... cause u shine

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012