viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

The Global Awakening and Divine Feminine purpose

 “When the Masculine meets the true, awakened Feminine, it arouses a new sensation in him, and activates specific levels of consciousness that demand his full attention.

The awakened, whole, conscious Feminine does not act needy or desperate around the Masculine. This does not mean that she does not acknowledge her deep inner desire and sacred requirements for the Masculine presence to be in her life. She knows this better than any woman who has not yet opened up to her full powers and strengths.

The awakened woman knows that the Masculine plays a vital role in her life journey, and has the ability to open her up in ways that she cannot do alone. In essence, she wants the masculine from a searingly profound place in her Soul.

But – this ‘want’ can be put on hold for years and years – decades even – if she is not being met with the kind of Masculine presence and devotion that she needs in order to serve her sacred feminine role.

When the Masculine meets the conscious Feminine vibration, it instantly realizes what is needed. The Masculine energy is stirred deeply and feels a pull on the Soul strings of his lost, dry, and forgotten heart. He realizes that although it is easy to lose himself in the glorious shakti sway of her body and the warmth of her sacred eyes, in order to stand next to her as a totem of divine masculine strength he must rise up in his own life.

Her spiritual energy will cause his own to wake up to itself.

He will become quickly aware that it will not be enough to lazily get what he wants and leave. He will recognize that even if he enters into a relationship with her, that her trust in him will not deepen unless he starts seriously showing up in his own life – and begins to rise like a phoenix towards his Full Purpose.

Her awakened energy will not tolerate the spiritually-sleepy masculine tendencies towards laziness, denial, avoidance, staying in comfort zones, procrastination, cowardice and over-reliance on quick fixes and instant gratification.

Her sacred energy will pull him up out of his coma and avoidance tactics, so that he feels on a visceral level just how potent and transformational loving her could be. He will also feel how loving her – and being a recipient of the healing codes in her body – instigates a firing of the neurons and electrical transmitters in his system, sparking him into awareness of just how much of a man he is required to evolve into.

He realizes that she is the greatest gift that has ever crossed his path. He realizes that he may never have another opportunity like this one to be supported in becoming the best version of himself possible. He is aware that there is no other woman on the planet who could love him like this, and fire up his energy centers into creating the Divine Purpose he has always wanted to live, but has always been too scared to fully commit to.

It is his decision whether or not he is brave enough to take the challenge of loving, and standing next to, a woman who has claimed her place as a sacred feminine warrior and holy chalice of love.

It is really his decision in many ways, because although she will be the one to decide whether or not she wishes to see him again, or let him into her world – she is always doing that based on the quality of truth, assurance, purposefulness and willingness that she receives from him.

When his Higher Self brings him to a Whole Woman, he must sit and contemplate, in order to realize that he has chosen this meeting – because a significant part of him is ready to ascend into being a Whole Man. This is a huge deal, because he most likely has not had any role models of this evolved male energy in his life. He doesn’t have to be faultless, a know-it-all, flashy, or movie star good-looking. He only has to nurture that spark within his precious masculine heart that wants to be the best man he can be. He only has to be willing and humble enough to learn from the Feminine, listen to her responses to his actions, and realize that she is the Divine Oracle for him, showing him where he needs to pull himself up.

His Soul really only wants to declare something like this:

“I want to bathe in the sweet, sacred radiance of your eternal Light for the rest of my days, and remember daily what a gift you are to my Soul.

I want you to be the Sacred Mirror on all the ways that I sabotage myself, deny myself, restrict myself and ‘flunk out’ on myself.

I want to hear that you trust me. I want to show you that your trust is well-judged, and that I realize how your ability to trust me makes a difference in how deeply you can open your body and heart when we are together.

I want to walk into brave new territories, risking rejection and even failure so that your trust in me soars, like a bird in flight. I realize that your sexual attraction to me increases exponentially every time I take a risk to rise into my Divine Masculine power and purpose.

I want to be a pioneer of a new movement of conscious, evolving, willing and open-hearted males, defying the old paradigms and awake enough to walk beside women who are changing the world forever.

I might not remember any of this, much of the time, and I may stumble, fall, collapse or sometimes fail at it. I want only to remember that my willingness to live my Sacred Truth, and my desire to do everything I can to earn your trust, are enough. I want only to remember that if I shut down my heart at the first hint of truth that comes from your mouth, your body language, your expressions – I will not win this game. I want to only remember that you cannot be expected to ‘mother’ me into being a grown-up (if I want to have a sexually vital and transformative love life). I do not want you to be my mother.”

We need manifestors for men of the Light to follow now, because it is vital that they stand up and realize their true worth and value in the advancing New Age. Awake Women do not want to batter men, criticize them, punish them, or shut their hearts and bodies down to them. Whole Women WANT men: their unwavering hard presence, their rock solid actions, their warrior hearts, their dynamic, pursuing energy.

Many Men of the Light are choosing to cross paths with soul-embodied women now. This is because their own Soul recognizes that it is time to rise up into Purpose, and the desire to connect with the embodied Sacred Feminine will ignite that Purpose. A woman who is on the path of Light will not settle for any man, no matter how deeply she has longed for the masculine presence. She has no desire nor energy to rescue, mother, nag or coach a man into loving her.

Yet the awakened woman carries more compassion, more unconditional love, more ability to support and nurture, more generosity and more sexual power than any other. There are limitless, never-ending, eternally-abundant rewards for any man who is courageous enough to risk his heart and life purpose for such a female.

This is the time of the emergent Divine Masculine presence, stepping up to the edge and committing to live from there, rising up to support and protect the Sacred Feminine Mission of Global Awakening.” ॐ ❤

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024


Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it. 

For many of us, our generational "curse" is avoidance. We come from people who just act like "it" didn't happen. But pain demands to be felt. And somewhere along the line, a child will be born whose charge it is to feel it all. 
These are your shamans, your priests and priestesses, your healers.

You call them mental health patients and label their power as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and the like. But these are the ones who are born with the gift of Feeling. 

And as we all know, you can't heal the pain that you refuse to feel.

~ Dionne Shannette Wood

martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023


 On paper it would be safe to say that I have ruined my life.

I have less money, my savings are gone, I have less free time, less few people in my life, I have no academic cohort and a practically non existent social life.
I spent nearly three decades of my life as a people pleaser doormat with no boundaries. I put my heart and soul into helping other people succeed in their job, mental health or personal growth.. all at the expense of my own. 

I kept myself small to make other people feel better about themselves and comfortable around me. I hid my personality and diminished my abilities and accomplishments. I withheld my feelings when people hurt me and I put up with other people’s bad behaviours because I wanted to help them feel better about themselves. All at the cost of my own mental wellbeing and self esteem.

So when I say ‘I ruined my life’ it was in the moment I decided to put myself and my own welfare and dreams first. 

I set hard boundaries and removed myself from people who brought negativity into my life or hurt my mental wellbeing. 

I can’t say the past year is been the most difficult of my life (as it hasn’t been) but it’s definitely been the most necessary and transformative of my life. And that I am so happy I ruined the life I had a few years ago. 

All I had to do was be my truer and most authentic self, and live the life I wanted, and stand up for myself. To finally see the value that I have for this world and protect it at all costs.

It’s my story.. It’s not minimalistic, or super tidy, or run militantly with every minute of every hour scheduled in a calendar.. But, you know what? It’s rich with so much more.

It’s rich with incredible relationships, and love, and books, and little nuggets of information, and laughter and growth.. and most importantly.. cats.

So, according to the productivity world, I’ve technically ruined my life - but I am in love with the ruins of my life.


 Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023



It’s time to live,

 to hug myself, 

to hug 16 year old me and show her what we’ve accomplished 

what we’re doing with life 

that I am still here 

I love you and you should love you too 



They love you better

I know you best 



“Suicide” someone says, but no, we can not commit suicide because of two reasons, the first one is (one more time) selfishness, there are millions of unfortunate animas in the planet who would do anything to live not one more time, but a few more minutes to amend mistakes made in life or just saying sorry, 

and the second one is almost as nasty as life itself is, basically, commiting suicide is an emotional blackmail, where the act of killing yourself would result in related harm for your loved ones, causing anxiety, depression, or even consequent suicides, so you decide not to go ahead because the idea of leaving a trail of guilt and pain behind you does not sound really attractive, to be honest.


 For those who are struggling 

With having and finding a purpose:

Maybe, for now, your purpose is

Waking up in the morning 

And taking on the day


Maybe your purpose is


To live 

Despite it all 

Life becomes so much more fullfilling when

You’re just





 ‘Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live’


 The other day on tiktok I saw a video of a 4 year old girl eating her lunch. Her mom said “can I have a sip of your drink?” She looked at her mom right in the eyes and said a clear: NO. Then, she went right back to eating her food.

Her mother said: ok. She didn’t pressure her. She didn’t make her wrong for having a natural desire to have her own drink. She didn’t say “nice girls share.” Because the most important person in her world, her mother, respected her no she learned a valuable lesson. It’s ok to say no. And healthy adults will respect it. In the future, when someone doesn’t respect her no, she’ll understand it’s them, not her who is the issue. 

Many of us have been raised by mothers who couldn’t say no. Who were in compromised situations, and who loved us very much and tried to protect us. They did this by trying to make us be easy, not difficult, and by modeling how to people please. Riddled with their own internal shame, they thought the only way to be loved was to never upset or disappoint those around them. The basis of people pleasing.

As we collectively wake up, we can break this pattern that puts so many women in dangerous, abusive, and compromised situations. 

Please tag and share to bring awareness to this pattern #selfhealers



She seems to thrive on almost a kind of nervous energy, as if there was too much inside her to say, the wheels in her head always turning.


 No person or thing can harm me anymore.

I hold myself in loving safety inside my mind forever.


 On paper it would be safe to say that I have ruined my life.

I have less money, my savings are gone, I have less free time, less few people in my life, I have no academic cohort and a practically non existent social life.
I spent nearly three decades of my life as a people pleaser doormat with no boundaries. I put my heart and soul into helping other people succeed in their job, mental health or personal growth.. all at the expense of my own. 

I kept myself small to make other people feel better about themselves and comfortable around me. I hid my personality and diminished my abilities and accomplishments. I withheld my feelings when people hurt me and I put up with other people’s bad behaviours because I wanted to help them feel better about themselves. All at the cost of my own mental wellbeing and self esteem.

So when I say ‘I ruined my life’ it was in the moment I decided to put myself and my own welfare and dreams first. 

I set hard boundaries and removed myself from people who brought negativity into my life or hurt my mental wellbeing. 

I can’t say the past year is been the most difficult of my life (as it hasn’t been) but it’s definitely been the most necessary and transformative of my life. And that I am so happy I ruined the life I had a few years ago. 

All I had to do was be my truer and most authentic self, and live the life I wanted, and stand up for myself. To finally see the value that I have for this world and protect it at all costs.

It’s my story.. It’s not minimalistic, or super tidy, or run militantly with every minute of every hour scheduled in a calendar.. But, you know what? It’s rich with so much more.

It’s rich with incredible relationships, and love, and books, and little nuggets of information, and laughter and growth.. and most importantly.. cats.

So, according to the productivity world, I’ve technically ruined my life - but I am in love with the ruins of my life.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

 I spent the whole day in my head

Do a little spring cleaning, I'm always too busy dreamingWell, maybe I should wake up insteadA lot of things I regret but I just say I forget
Why can't it just be easy?Why does everybody need me to stay?
Oh, I hate the feelingWhen you're high but you're underneath the ceilingGot the cards in my hand, I hate dealingGet everything I need, then I'm goneBut it ain't stealing
Can I get a break?I wish that I could just get out my goddamn wayWhat is there to say?There ain't a better time than today
Maybe I'll lay down for a little, yeah'Stead of always trying to figure everything outAnd all I do is say sorryHalf the time, I don't even know what I'm saying it about
When it ain't that badIt could always be worseI'm running out of gas, hardly anything leftHope I make it home from work
So tired of being so tiredWhy I gotta build something beautiful just to go set it on fire?
I'm no liar, but sometimes the truth don't sound like the truthMaybe 'cause it ain't, I just love the way it sound when I say itYeah, it's what I doIf you know me, it ain't anything new
Wake up to the moon, haven't seen the sun in a whileBut I heard that the sky's still blue, yeah
Heard they don't talk about me too much no moreAnd that's a problem with a closed door
Good news, good news, good newsThat's all they wanna hearNo, they don't like it when I'm downBut when I'm flying, oh, it make 'em so uncomfortableSo different, what's the difference?
There's a whole lot more for me waiting on the other sideI'm always wondering if it feel like summerI know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other timeI'll finally discoverThat there's a whole lot more for me waiting

I know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other timeThen I'll finally discoverThat it ain't that badAin't so bad
At least it don't gotta be no more

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2022

 What do you want me to say

It's never going away
'Cause I'm stuck on you
Like the smell of cigarettes on your flower dress

I want you under my fingernails
I want you in my sleep and in my dreams
I wake up spooning my pillow
Sweaty hands but please don't tell your friends

Now I'm addicted to cigarettes
At first I didn't let myself inhale
But smoke got through and so did you

And now every burn hole smells like home

And I know it's killing me
But that still won't stop me
'Cause now we smell the same

But you still kill me faster

sábado, 9 de julio de 2022


I don't know how it happened
You got me spinning round for you

To tell you the truth
So you can't say I didn't warn you
I'm bad but I'm good

I'll be so good to you

lunes, 4 de julio de 2022


 every day I lie asleep

trying to wake up from this dream

what did you know?
I held my breath through every title

I wish I could get over this feeling of slipping under
I never get that far

Numb, but I still feel it


 A day goes by

and leaves a mark on forever

All lost thoughts find their way to the paper

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2022

jueves, 2 de junio de 2022


Smile, like it was yesterday.

Make me believe that you're the same.
Speak, tell me that you're OK.

I'll keep biting on my tongue.
I am looking at your face,
As if we never made mistakes.

Breathe, take in everything.

Become a person that I hate.

I am looking at your face,
As if we never even made mistakes.

If I close my eyes, for long enough.
Would I die, or would I just get lost?

You could find me, if you cared enough.
But I'm hoping you don't.

If I close my eyes for long enough would I die?
I cannot pretend I haven't tried.

I am hoping that you don't find me.


 I was breathing

so slow

that I thought I was going to die.


 I love you


we are burning alive